Today we will talk about what is EDD, what is the full form of EDD, what is EDD called in Hindi, we will give you complete information about it.
Full form of EDD?
The full form of EDD is the Expected date of delivery. Delivery is estimated in Hindi.
Estimated due date is a term that describes an estimated or calculated delivery date or time for a pregnant woman.
EDD or Expected Date of Delivery is the due date when doctors estimate the delivery of the baby of that woman. EDD usually lasts between 37 weeks and 42 weeks. EDD is also known as Confinement Date where Confinement is the traditional term that refers to the duration of pregnancy.
EDD Calculation Methods
EDD estimation is a process and there are several methods to calculate the expected date of delivery. The calculation of the expected due date is done in two steps –
The point used for the first time is determined to be the origin of the estimated age. Here this approximate starting point is the estimated time of a woman's normal menstrual cycle (LMP) or the more accurate method. In these methods, a known period of 14 days is added from the time of fertilization.
EDD is the second stage of EDD calculation where the estimated age of the child born in the above period is added. Normally the baby is born at an estimated age of 280 days or 40 weeks. It is the period of childbirth that is commonly used as a standard estimate for conception.
In these two steps of EDD calculation, it is necessary to calculate gestational age, estimation of gestational age at birth of a child, etc.
Gestational Age Estimation
The steps to calculate the gestational age estimate are:
Count directly the days since the start of the last menstrual period.
Comparison of fetal size of a reference group with pregnancies of known gestational age. If this gestational age calculated from the initial ultrasound does not match, the estimated age of the ultrasound is still used for the rest of the pregnancy, calculated as the last menstrual period.
An additional 14 days are added by counting the days from incubation to in vitro fertilization.
Estimation of Gestational Age at Birth
The estimated age at delivery is usually 40 weeks or 280 days and is often used as the standard estimate for any pregnancies.
Gestational Age Estimation
The steps to calculate the gestational age estimate are:
- Count directly the days since the start of the last menstrual period.
- Comparison of fetal size of a reference group with pregnancies of known gestational age. If this gestational age calculated from the initial ultrasound does not match, the estimated age of the ultrasound is still used for the rest of the pregnancy, calculated as the last menstrual period.
- An additional 14 days are added by counting the days from incubation to in vitro fertilization.
Estimation of Gestational Age at Birth
The estimated age at delivery is usually 40 weeks or 280 days and is often used as the standard estimate for any pregnancies.
How is EDD Calculated?
EDD is Calculated as Follows –
- Determine the first day of the last menstrual period.
- Then count 3 calendar months from that first date.
- Add 1 year and 7 days to the date you end up with.
What is EDD AUA?
The expected due date LMP is the last menstrual period and AUA is the actual ultrasound date. EDD AUA is the delivery due date based on the most recent ultrasound report. The EDD AUA is usually 1 to 8 days ahead of the LMP.
Which EDD is More Accurate?
The most accurate expected due date is thought to be the one you get on the first ultrasound. Ultrasounds performed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy usually have within 3 to 5 days of accuracy. However, the most accurate time for EDD is thought to be between 8 and 11 weeks of pregnancy.
What are EDD and Banking?
Enhanced Due Diligence of EDD in banking is a process of monitoring and analyzing customer or customer transactions that pose a greater risk of money laundering as well as terrorist financing for that particular institution, such as the business owner. does.
What is EDD Debit Card?
The Advanced Due Diligence or EDD system issues benefit payments for disability insurance, unemployment insurance and family leave using a Visa debit card. It is a more secure and convenient way of receiving EDD Debit Card benefit payments.
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